Who Is Portrait Paint Week For?

Portrait Paint Week is for beginner and intermediate painters of ALL MEDIUMS that want to change the way they think about portrait painting and start taking steps forward with their work.

All the lessons are recorded so you can access them anytime during the week and paint on your schedule.

Day 1 - Drawing

The first hurdle in painting a portrait is getting an accurate drawing. On the first day of Paint Week I will show you a way to simplify that process and capture a likeness in the initial drawing.

Day 2 - Painting

On the second day I will be teaching about skin tones, planes, and values before painting in on our drawing.

Day 3 - Critique/ Q&A

On Saturday, May 11th I will be doing a LIVE QA where I critique a handful of student paintings and answer questions posted by students in the Facebook Group!

Your Paint Coach

My name is Christopher Fornataro and I want to be your paint coach . My goal this week is to calm your fear of portrait painting by having you do an easy exercise that will change the way you look at portrait painting.

The Exercise

I will be walking you through my favorite portrait exercise which is a portrait painting where I have constructed the face out of flat planes.

The Benefits

  • Simplify the drawing process.
  • Better understand the planes of the head.
  • Understand what creates a likeness.
  • Be able to detect subtle shifts in color and value.
  • Paint loose yet accurate with purposeful brushwork.
  • Learn to paint like a sculptor.

One Of A Kind

Studying the planes of the face is nothing new but I have never seen it presented in this way.

The reference can not be created in an app or with a filter. I created it by hand in Photoshop

Video Lectures

Don't worry! This isn't one of those courses where you just watch the instructor paint and think "why is he doing that?" I will explain my process and decision making in quick easy to understand video lecture.

Color Mixing Demo

I walk you through my process for identifying and matching skin tones.

Step By Step Instruction

Follow along as I walk you through this portrait exercise one stroke at a time.

Our Painting Community

Once you sign up you will be able to join the Paint Week Community! There you can find other painters like you, post your work, critique other people's paintings, and interact with a positive painting community. I will be popping in the group frequently to answer questions and see your work!

What About Materials?

I got you covered!

I purposely kept the materials as simple as possible so you can focus on what really matters which is making a beautiful painting. 

Enroll now so you can access the first section which has a list of the materials I suggest and links where you can get them!